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Share hope this Easter

Donate and give hope to those who need it most

“Jesus came and stood among them and said, ‘Peace be with you!’” (John 20:26).

Then Jesus found one particularly despondent friend named Thomas and said, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.”

Thomas responds and his hope is restored! And in the next chapter of John’s Gospel, the risen Jesus builds a fire with those same hands and invites His friends to breakfast on the beach!

This connection of hope, expressed in Word and deed, is at the heart of all we do at Wesley Mission.

We see His hands. Then we reach out ours, reaching especially to the scarred and wounded places where people live.

At Wesley Mission, we share His hope around meals, worship, housing, mental health care and many other deeds and programs because we’ve been given a hope that literally changed history, all because of Jesus.

But we cannot provide these services without your generous support.

Your gift this Easter will help us continue extending Christ’s hands through a range of services, each designed to reach people most in need, providing long-term support to help turn their lives around.

Give today and help us continue to offer vital, hopeful services in Christ’s name.

Thank You

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