When Suzi* and Mark* called us in distress, we were there for them, thanks to your support. Your compassion has helped us continue our Lifeline Sydney & Sutherland telephone crisis service.
Because of caring donors like you, we’ve provided people in distress with a listening ear – whether they were struggling with loneliness, challenging circumstances or a mental illness.
Sadly, many people are telling us they feel life isn’t worth living and they want to end their own lives. Thankfully, the opportunity to share their pain can prevent this tragedy, as it did when volunteer Tess spoke to Suzi and Mark.
Here is what Tess says about your generosity:
“Having a caring person to talk to in a crisis literally saves lives, so thank you for supporting Lifeline Sydney & Sutherland. Your donation means that no one will have to face their darkest times alone.”
The fact is though, these are tough times and more young Australians are experiencing higher rates of psychological distress¹.
According to the National Study of Mental Health and Wellbeing² , released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics in July, almost 40 per cent of 16 to 24-year-olds experienced a mental disorder in the past year.
Nearly a quarter of females aged 16 to 34 reported self harming at some stage in their lives. And shockingly, one in six Australians have experienced suicidal thoughts or behaviours.
Now, as more people phone our Lifeline Sydney & Sutherland telephone crisis service, we’re planning to urgently train 300 additional volunteer Crisis Supporters so no call for help goes unanswered.
Your partnership with us prevents suicides. To help us train more Lifeline Sydney & Sutherland volunteers who can answer every call, donate now.
¹AIHW Australia’s Health, July 2022 https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports-data/australias-health
²Australian Bureau of Statistics, ‘National Study of Mental Health and Wellbeing’, 22 July 2022
*Suzi’s and Mark’s names and photo changed to protect their privacy.