
The objective of Wesley Mission, as outlined in the Constitution.

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“To conceive, develop and deliver such services and programs as will provide direct relief of poverty, sickness, suffering, distress, adversity, disability, destitution and helplessness in New South Wales and other parts of Australia and are inspired by and are an integral part of the Christian Word and deed ministry of Wesley Mission, a Parish Mission of the Church.”


Wesley Mission takes great care to ensure that those we care for and work with are given a high level of service. A number of Wesley Mission facilities and programs are independently assessed and certified to ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Standard and our people are committed to the principles of continuous improvement and best practice approach.

At Wesley Mission we are passionate about offering professional, quality services to our clients. Many of our programs are certified and licensed to the required industry standards including Registered Training Organisation (RTO), National Health Standards (Wesley Hospitals), National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and National Standards for Disability Services (NSDS) (Disability Services), Aged Care Quality Standards (Residential Aged Care, Home Care and Commonwealth Home Care Support), Food Safety standards, NSW Child Safe standards (Out of Home Care), Homelessness Service standards (Supported Homeless Services), Community Housing standards, National Quality Standards (Out of School Hours) and Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) standards.

Our community services activities are conducted by Wesley Community Services Limited, a company limited by guarantee, which is registered as a Public Benevolent Institution. As an incorporated company, Wesley Mission has ‘approved provider’ status, allowing us to independently tender for services, develop facilities and report to government on financials and compliance issues.

Wesley Mission has an integrated ministry model with a strong bond between our congregational life and our community services. The heart of Wesley Mission is driven by our missional calling and is outlined in a Deed of Covenant between Wesley Congregational Life and Wesley Community Services. Wesley Mission is also bound by a Deed of Covenant between Wesley Community Services and the Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust (NSW). These two deeds took effect from 1 July 2014.

Wesley Mission