Wesley Taylor

Wesley Taylor Narrabeen was Wesley Mission’s longest-running aged care facility, opening its doors in 1929 as ‘The Outlook’, a home for aged men, and expanding to become the W. G. Taylor Memorial Home in 1935.

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Wesley Taylor Narrabeen took its name from the Rev. William George Taylor, who became Wesley Mission’s first Superintendent in 1884. A passionate social advocate and great Christian leader, Taylor established Wesley Mission’s approach of Christian outreach to those on the margins of society and instilled our commitment to show God’s love through words and action in all our work.

In later years Wesley Mission redeveloped the aged care home to sit alongside our retirement living village, known as Wesley Taylor Village. In 2022, Wesley Taylor Narrabeen closed its doors and in 2023, Wesley Taylor Village was purchased by Indigio by Moran, who now owns and manages the retirement living village.