Media releases

Funding challenges force closure of local suicide prevention program

Written by Admin | Nov 27, 2023 11:45:25 PM

Coffs Harbour based suicide prevention program, Wesley LifeForce Aftercare, will close at the end of November due to the inability to secure funding from the State government.


Set up in early 2021 in recognition of the high rates of suicide and suicidal distress in the area, Wesley LifeForce Aftercare supported many locals and their friends and family through an innovative and multifaceted 14-week program of recovery.


Wesley LifeForce Aftercare National Operations Manager, Dr Peter Anderson, says Wesley Mission extended Aftercare funding to the end of 2023 but with no funding commitment from the NSW government, despite $121.3M previously committed to Universal Aftercare, the program is now forced to shut down.


“This has sadly impacted our staff as well as referral agencies who will now have even more limited choices going forward, for the referral of vulnerable people at risk of suicide in the Coffs Harbour region.

“While there are other services coming on line that will support people with mental health challenges, there will be no specific Aftercare services for the Coffs Harbour community until a new program is initiated by Healthy North Coast in the later part of 2024.”

For immediate crisis support please contact the following:

Emergency 000
Lifeline 13 11 14
24 hour Mental Health Line 1800 011 511
Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467
13YARN 13 92 76
QLife 1800 184 527


Dr Peter Anderson is available for interview

For more information, please contact Anne Holt on 0418 628 342 or