The United Workers Union, the NSW Council of Social Service (NCOSS) and Wesley Mission all recognise the harmful impacts of gambling, including on staff in gambling venues like casinos and pubs and clubs with electronic gambling machines.
Together, we are committed to working actively and, where possible, in joint action to reduce gambling-related harms. Gambling reform is everybody’s business.
Staff working in gambling venues are an under-recognised cohort of people who experience harm from gambling and are at greater risk of developing gambling problems than the general public. Staff regularly witness the distress and anger of people who struggle to manage their gambling and may themselves experience harms ranging from financial stress and family relationship problems to significant physical and mental health impacts.
There is an inherent conflict between the objective of gambling venues to maximise profits and the proper design and implementation of codes of conduct that aim to prevent or minimise gambling harm. Research shows that most gambling expenditure in Australia is from people experiencing some form of gambling-related harm.
Gambling codes of conduct should be developed in consultation with workers and people with lived experience of the impacts of gambling, including gambling counsellors, and based on the most recent independent research.
Specific measures to reduce harm should include:
Gambling harm is a public health matter; the responsibility for reducing and preventing harm should not rest entirely on individuals. Venues, the industry, governments and regulators should work with lived experience advocates and the United Workers Union to develop appropriate safeguards and control mechanisms.
Dario Mujkic
Director – Casinos, Clubs & Gaming
United Workers Union
Joanna Quilty
Chief Executive Officer
NSW Council of Social Service
Rev Stu Cameron
CEO and Superintendent
Wesley Mission