March 2025 marks the half-way point in the Minns’ Government’s four-year term in NSW. However, despite raft of minor gambling reforms introduced by the government, NSW is experiencing record poker machines losses and a spiralling public health crisis caused by gambling harm.
“Labor have introduced some welcome reforms in NSW to gambling since 2023”, says Wesley Mission CEO Rev Stu Cameron.
“These include the banning of political donations from clubs with poker machines, enforcing the ban on VIP Room signage on pubs and clubs, reducing the load up limit on new poker machines to $500, proceeding with the development of a statewide exclusion register, and undertaking a pre-implementation testing of a cashless gambling card.
“However, despite these reforms, gambling losses to poker machines have continued to reach record levels, reflected in turn in record levels of gambling harm. There are also now more poker machines in NSW than when the Minns’ government took office, which is very disappointing, especially given the government’s pre-election commitment to reduce numbers.
“In 2024 the people of NSW lost a record $8.64 billion to poker machines, more than $1 million every hour of every day. In a cost-of-living crisis, this was money that could have been spent on housing, paying utilities, buying groceries, or assisting kids with their education.
“Two years in, the NSW government is yet to move decisively on major reforms that will have a real impact on reducing gambling harm, such as committing to remove gambling with cash from the equation with a cashless gambling card with mandatory loss limits and other harm prevention measures built in, and reducing gambling room opening hours.
“It will take time to roll out a mandatory cashless card, but the pre-implementation testing last year revealed that the technology works, and the government needs to commit fully to this process by making a clear statement of intent to proceed. The technology is already operational at Crown Casino in Sydney and Melbourne, with high take-up rates. The LNP have indicated they are prepared to negotiate on how self-imposed time and loss settings should work to be most effective, but the ALP have made no comment.”
“Powering down poker machines from midnight to 10am is a reform that could be introduced quickly and would have an immediate impact on reducing the record levels of gambling harm now being experienced, as the government’s own research clearly indicates”.
Since being launched in late 2022, Wesley Mission’s ‘Put Pokies in their Place’ campaign has seen 40 organisations from across civil society come together to reflect their constituents’ concerns about the gambling harm public health crisis, and their expectation for the NSW government to act decisively in this term of Parliament.
“The community sentiment for these reforms is strong and people are looking to Mr Minns and Mr Speakman to have the moral courage and bipartisan political will to act in the best interests of the community and introduce genuine reforms in this term of parliament,” said Rev Cameron.
Quotes from some of the movement’s leaders:
Delia Donovan – CEO DVNSW
“Domestic Violence NSW represents over 180 organisations working to end domestic and family violence in NSW. We acknowledge the complex factors contributing to this significant issue. Research, including that from Wesley Mission, shows that gambling can heighten financial and emotional stress, leading to an increased risk of domestic and family violence. Additionally, some survivors may turn to gambling as a coping mechanism. Addressing domestic violence requires tackling gambling harm. We stand with Wesley Mission in urging urgent government and community action.”
Anna Bardsley – co-founder Gambling Harm Lived Experience Experts
"As the only national body run entirely by people with lived experience of gambling harm, GHLEE is proud to support Wesley Mission in its efforts to reduce the devastating impact poker machines have in NSW and around Australia. Gambling addiction is arguably the number one avoidable cause of poverty in Australia and all efforts to reduce the harm caused by a predatory industry are welcome."
John Engeler – CEO ShelterNSW
“Providing more housing security for all people – especially those on the lowest incomes, remains a core quest of Shelter NSW – anything that prevents this – such as the well documented harm caused by widespread gambling – should be urgently addressed. We commend our sector peers, Wesley Mission in bravely calling this out. Their firm advocacy ask– calling for policy reform to ensure gambling related harm does not further result in homelessness – is one we proudly support and agree with.”
Associate Professor Kate McBride – President PHAA
“The Public Health Association of Australia, NSW Branch, is proud to join the Wesley Gambling Coalition to support the ongoing effort to minimise gambling harm as this is a crucial step in highlighting gambling as a public health issue. By joining this strong, collaborative movement, we aim to contribute to sustainable policy change to protect our communities from the pervasive impacts of gambling-related harm”.
Associate Professor Josephine Chau – President AHPA
“The Australian Health Promotion Association NSW/ACT has joined the Gambling Reform Alliance because urgent action is needed to address gambling harm in our communities. Gambling harm contributes to poor mental health and exacerbates inequality. Health promotion professionals have a responsibility to address the social and commercial determinants of health. AHPA NSW/ACT is keen to collaborate with other organisations to push for regulatory reforms to reduce gambling harm.”
Visit: Put Pokies in Their Place to learn more.