Remaining Wesley Aged Care locations to close in Sylvania, Carlingford and Narrabeen

Wesley Mission supports and empowers people across the full range of life. Providing residential aged care has been an important part of our care for older Australians.


Following the closure of Wesley Tebbutt in 2022, a review of its operations and the impact of COVID-19, Wesley Mission has announced the difficult decision to close its three remaining residential aged care centres in Sydney.


CEO and Superintendent, Rev Stu Cameron notes several factors drove the difficult decision.


“The Aged Care sector is experiencing challenges to workforce and flow-on impacts from the national reforms to Aged Care. Wesley Mission supports these once-in-a-generation reforms, improving quality for all care users,” says Cameron.


“It is, however, a challenging environment to be a smaller provider. With just three aged care locations, our offering in this area is small compared to the large and diverse range of community services we provide around NSW and across Australia.”


Wesley Aged Care has appointed MyCarePath to support residents in choosing a new home.


“At this stage, we anticipate closing our centres at the end of May 2023, and before then, we will be doing all we can to support residents in choosing a new home that meets their needs. We will also be supporting affected staff to find a new role, or with assistance to find a role at a different provider,” says Cameron.


“The strength of our aged care services has always been the dedicated partnership of residents, families, staff and partners to provide quality care – we’re grateful for everyone who has invested in these communities.


“Wesley Mission’s support for older people in NSW continues, focusing on providing in-home care and retirement living to help people stay in their homes for longer,” Cameron said.


About Wesley Mission


Wesley Mission provides practical care and support for more than 130,000 people annually in NSW and across Australia, including help for people experiencing homelessness, local community action groups preventing suicide, and gambling and financial counselling among more than 120 programs.


Media contact: Anne Holt on 0418 628 342 or

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