Lifeline – Australia’s national 24-hour crisis support and suicide prevention service – celebrates 60 years of saving lives on 16 March 2023.
Established by the late Rev Sir Alan Walker, the former Superintendent of Wesley Mission, Lifeline exists to ensure no one faces their darkest moments alone.
Wesley Mission CEO and Superintendent, Rev Stu Cameron, said Walker knew with compassion and connection there was hope.
“Rev Alan Walker realised the power of the telephone to connect people launching the world’s first telephone counselling service, Lifeline, in Sydney’s Darlinghurst on March 16, 1963,” Cameron said.
“Sixty years on, Lifeline has become an international movement that saves countless lives. Wesley Mission’s Lifeline Sydney and Sutherland volunteer crisis supporters are available 24 hours a day to listen, without judgement to any person in Australia who is feeling overwhelmed, experiencing crisis or longs to be heard.”
“Every life matters. Wesley Mission continues to help those at risk of suicide find the assistance they need through our suicide prevention programs,” says Cameron. “We have a long history in this field, having birthed the Lifeline movement 60 years ago and establishing Wesley LifeForce, a national suicide prevention program supporting community action groups and training in 1995.”
Wesley Mission will celebrate Rev Alan Walker’s remarkable legacy with a special service at Wesley Conference Centre, 220 Pitt Street, on Sunday, 26 March, at 4pm.
Sydney in the swinging 60s was – for some – a happening place to be.
Beatlemania swept the nation; man walked on the moon; the civil rights movement began; women enjoyed greater equality in the workplace and the beginnings of legal recognition for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples commenced.
While the social revolution of the 60s brought greater individual freedom for Sydney-siders, the flip-side was what Rev Alan Walker coined ‘lonely Sydney’ noting as the city of Sydney grew, many languished on the sidelines of society.
“Today there is a larger need; moral, psychiatrical, personal, emotional. People and homes are breaking down constantly under the pressure of today’s life. Moral and spiritual poverty take their place beside physical poverty. To the Central Mission come an endless stream of people at the end of their tether,” Rev Alan Walker told Wesley Impact! magazine in 1961.
Tragically, it would be this helplessness felt by many and suicide that would establish Lifeline, the world’s first telephone counselling service, in March 1963.
One late Saturday night in 1961, Rev Alan Walker picked up the phone at his Roseville home.
On the line was a distressed Roy Brown. Speaking of terrible loneliness, crippling debt and his sense of failure, Roy told Walker he had written a letter, but by the time Walker would read it, Roy would be dead.
Roy said he was sorry to worry Walker, but there wasn’t anyone else who cared what happened to him. He just wanted to tell someone.
Walker pleaded with Roy for his address so he could go see him, but all Roy would agree to was to attend church to hear Walker speak. After hearing the sermon, Roy called again, and agreed to a meeting at Pitt St.
Police phoned Walker five minutes before the agreed meeting, to say they had found a man dead in his Kings Cross flat with a letter addressed to Walker.
Walker called thirty people to meet and pray.
At that meeting, the idea of a 24-hour counselling team was suggested, and the Lifeline movement began. Walker realised the power of the telephone to connect people.
“From a desperate call, the tragedy of suicide and a helplessness that was felt by many…the amazing work of Lifeline was born,” Walker told Wesley Impact! magazine in 1961.
Media Contacts – Wesley Mission
Anne Holt 0418 628 342 or
Monique Butterworth 0460 720 599 or
Media Contact – Lifeline Australia
Richard Shute 0408 407 376 or
About Wesley Mission
Wesley Mission helps more than 35,000 Australians each year who are in crisis and need immediate help. Some of their urgent needs include housing to address homelessness and emergency relief to pay for groceries and essential bills. Many are on very low incomes or are receiving income support payments.
Wesley Mission’s broad range of community services supported an additional 80,000 people in 2021 through early intervention and prevention programs to build community capacity. Wesley LifeForce supports more than 130 Suicide Prevention Networks in communities across Australia.