Media releases

Wesley Mission remembers Good Friday at Martin Place

Written by Admin | Apr 18, 2019 8:42:00 PM

Good Friday event, 19 April 2019, 1.30 pm at Martin Place Amphitheatre, Sydney


Christians will remember the crucifixion of Jesus Christ at Good Friday services around the country. In Sydney, Wesley Mission will use Martin Place to retell Jesus' journey to the cross and his final hours via a dramatic street theatre performance in the city centre.


On Good Friday it is not uncommon to hear people ask, ‘what’s so good about it’, but the inclusiveness of Christ’s actions, is a signpost of hope that we are cared for and change is always possible.


Highlighting the importance of Good Friday, Wesley Mission CEO, the Rev Keith Garner said, “Jesus Christ’s sacrificial love revealed on the cross sends a simple yet powerful message to all - you matter to God. Nobody is beyond the place of redemption and hope.”


Narrated through the voice of Mary Magdalene, the drama will present an account of Jesus and his disciples’ last supper together before he was arrested, tried and crucified. The presentation will be followed by music, a relevant message and an opportunity for everyone present to respond by placing red rose petals on a heavy, wooden cross.


“Martin Place is home to the powerful and successful, but equally to people who are the most vulnerable in our community. Lives are being destroyed by greed, and this is perpetuated by those who are unwilling to recognise the foundation upon which our hope is built.”


Garner said that Friday’s performance asks us to look for hope in the midst of pain and betrayal. Good Friday speaks of hope on the darkest of days, when it seems that all is lost.


“At Wesley Mission, we find ourselves reaching out to people who are experiencing the cruelty of rejection, the wide implications of mental health issues and a growing sense of loneliness and isolation. Jesus Christ laid down his life for others, and we seek to act in our community in a way that also shows we care for people.”


“This is a day to focus on the difficult issues that need to be dealt with on Good Friday,” said Garner. “When we see so much devastation and disadvantage in our society, it is a message that we must be ready to hear. Hope is built on nothing less.”


Media should assemble at Martin Place Amphitheatre at 1.15 pm.

For further information or to arrange interviews: Anne Holt, Senior Public Affairs Officer - 0418 628 342