Wesley Mission CEO, Stu Cameron, says “We’re passionately committed to playing our part in ensuring a profoundly important reform – one that can significantly reduce gambling harm caused by poker machines across our state – is delivered promptly, comprehensively and effectively.
“The introduction of a mandatory, universal, identity-linked cashless gaming system will do more than any other reform to reduce the harm that is wreaking havoc in our communities, harm that directly impacts up to 1.7 million NSW residents. It will also stop criminals laundering money through our state’s 87,000 active machines.
“Through 2022, $8.1 billion was lost to poker machines across NSW, growing to more than $22 million every single day – horrendous figures that make NSW the epicentre of gambling harm worldwide. We’re pleased NCOSS and others will be joining us on the panel and look forward to working in good faith in assisting the government to implement a reform that is urgently and desperately needed.
Cameron says, “While we welcome the government following through on their commitment to implement the cashless gaming trial, we continue to call for further reforms outlined in our ‘Put Pokies in their place’ campaign. These include powering down poker machines after midnight and before 10am and giving local Councils more say in poker machine entitlement decisions that impact their community.
“For too long the gambling industry in NSW has held all the power. It’s time for that to end, and for individuals and communities to be empowered to limit the harm it causes.”
Put pokies in their place | Wesley Mission
Wesley Mission provides practical care and support for more than 130,000 people annually in NSW and across Australia, including help for people experiencing homelessness, local community action groups preventing suicide, and gambling and financial counselling among more than 120 programs. www.wesleymission.org.au
Rev Stu Cameron is available for interview.
Media contacts:
Anne Holt on 0418 628 342 or anne.holt@wesleymission.org.au
GambleAware help line 1800 858 858 | Lifeline 13 11 14