A huge smile appears across Greg’s face. He points to Michael and says, “This is my friend.”
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Helen can’t help but smile as the people she supports sing praise and worship songs at the top of their lungs. “It just gives us great peace to start the day off,” she says.
When Shane belts out the lyrics to his favourite song, his voice soars through the room. But that wasn’t always the case.
“I’m a superstar,” Holly says as she throws her arms up in the air. And it’s not an exaggeration. Holly is truly a star. A Hollywood girl at heart, Holly’s name is befitting of her personality, as...
Eighteen year old Zach Smail just might be the only teenage boy, ever, who doesn’t need to be asked twice to take out the rubbish on bin night.
Thanks to a feature on Channel Nine’s A Current Affair, Wesley Mission's David Morgan Centre in Sydney's West recently took centre stage. This heartwarming story highlights David Morgan Centre’s 50...
Lover of life, the ever-popular Terry began working at Wesley Mission’s David Morgan Centre just after it opened as a workplace for people with disability 50 years ago. He’s worked on everything,...
Craig and Chris weren’t sure they had the skills to start a new career. But studying at Wesley Vocational Institute (RTO code 90091) gave them the confidence to follow their dream of helping others.