Martin had always worked. He’d lived in his home for seven years and earned good money from his hospitality job. Then came COVID-19.
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When Jason suddenly had a stroke at home, his life instantly came tumbling down. “I was blind and deaf. My blood pressure was that high and I just couldn’t cope,” Jason says.
Every day, Alisha* used to carry her belongings wherever she went. But through Wesley Community Housing’s support, Alisha can now safely leave her belongings in her home. “Wesley Mission helped me...
If there’s one thing Henry* loves, it’s the Penrith Panthers. But his Wesley Community Housing tenants and team come in a close second (kind of like the Brisbane Broncos). “We all help each other...
For the last two years, on every second and fourth Friday of the month, Craig, Wesley Mission Taree Manager, and Julie , Taree Chaplain, have hosted a barbeque for their community. But this isn’t...
When Emily* became homeless at just 17, she had her whole life packed up in her car with nowhere to go.
Last week was Youth Homelessness Matters Day – and it should matter to you.
When Charlotte and Joe Parry* were pushed into homelessness amid soaring rents and record low vacancy rates, their whole world was rocked.
When Amanda* awoke to banging on her front door early last year, little did she know it would herald the start of a months-long period of homelessness for her, her three sons and two nephews who...
The Wesley Mission Newcastle Community Hub has partnered with Hunter Homeless Connect and Uniting to launch ‘Shoebox Care’ to help people experiencing homelessness.
In her thirties, Julie’s future looked bright, a husband and family, a degree and a developing career. Yet less than 10 years later, she was homeless and living on the streets.
Your generosity has helped people facing homelessness like Bianca* and her little twins, Kaylie and Hunter. Your care and compassion this Christmas meant we could find secure accommodation for people...