Thanks to a feature on Channel Nine’s A Current Affair, Wesley Mission's David Morgan Centre in Sydney's West recently took centre stage. This heartwarming story highlights David Morgan Centre’s 50...
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Just over ten years ago, a young marketing executive found his way into the Wesley Centre. As a Christian working in the fast-paced marketing environment, he knew he needed a different sort of...
This report highlights our unwavering commitment to do all the good we can because every life matters.
Australia’s beautiful winter sun shone for the 23 young people on July’s ‘Welcome Ride’, a bi-annual event that’s been running in Newcastle and Lake Macquarie since 2016. The Welcome Ride is designed...
In a spirit of comfort, support and hope, we gathered together on 8 September at the Sydney Opera House for the Wesley LifeForce Suicide Memorial Service to remember loved ones lost to suicide.
Giving children and young people a voice Read our latest report that explores how children and young people perceive safety in Wesley Mission programs.
11-year-old Sophia goes to church at Wesley Mission, where she heard stories of the devastating impact of gambling harm in communities across NSW. Entering a public speaking competition for primary...
2022 Annual Report This report highlights our journey over the past year, and outlines our plans for serving more people in need in the future.
A huge congratulation to Ben (Wesley OOSH Epping West), Chelsea (Wesley OOSH North Kellyville) and Vickie (Wesley OOSH Wyong), three of our Wesley Out of School Hours Care (Wesley OOSH) educators...
The Wesley Mission Newcastle Community Hub has partnered with Hunter Homeless Connect and Uniting to launch ‘Shoebox Care’ to help people experiencing homelessness.
Craig and Chris weren’t sure they had the skills to start a new career. But studying at Wesley Vocational Institute (RTO code 90091) gave them the confidence to follow their dream of helping others.