Zach’s is a heartwarming tale of resilience, proving the power of perseverance and the importance of community. From a young age, Zach was without a stable home or nurturing family. He began his life...
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Stories (3)
For the last two years, on every second and fourth Friday of the month, Craig, Wesley Mission Taree Manager, and Julie , Taree Chaplain, have hosted a barbeque for their community. But this isn’t...
When 21-year-old Brodie walked into Wesley Dalmar’s foster care office in Coffs Harbour on the first day of his traineeship, he felt right at home. “I went upstairs to the team, and I said, ‘Oh. You...
When Emily* became homeless at just 17, she had her whole life packed up in her car with nowhere to go.
Last week was Youth Homelessness Matters Day – and it should matter to you.
When Patrick* was about to turn 18 and close to leaving foster care, he wasn’t sure how he’d manage on his own. Life hasn’t always been easy for Patrick, who has lived in and out of many foster care...
For Eduardo Ribeiro de Rezende, Chef at Village Café in Alan Walker Village, food provides an opportunity for people to connect. And that’s what drives his passion to cook, a skill passed down...
Doreen Marsden led a blessed and long life. She enjoyed Tai Chi and aqua aerobics well into her later years, and tended to a garden filled with roses and camellias. Being a kind and compassionate...
Penina can’t help but smile when her son starts singing ‘Praise’, a song he learnt at church, at the top of his lungs while on the train.
Since the late 1800s, Wesley Mission has been providing safe, caring home environments for children and young people who cannot live with their families. Recently, we celebrated 100 years of Wesley...
When Charlotte and Joe Parry* were pushed into homelessness amid soaring rents and record low vacancy rates, their whole world was rocked.