Community Housing tenants Miriam (back centre), Kerry (front left) Carmel (centre) with Wesley Mission tenancy worker Liesa (front right) and community greening volunteer Darren (back right) who...
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Stories (6)
Ethan’s journey in foster care started when he was two. He shares how it felt to be raised by people who barely knew him but still loved him as their own son.
When Colleen and her husband, Dan, were unable to have children themselves, they saw it as an opportunity for them to give back by fostering kids who needed a home.
Family life is what Nicole and Gerald are all about. With kids and grandkids of their own, Nicole and Gerald share their home as Wesley Dalmar foster carers to three children. Fostering for 26 years...
When Alfreda passed away, aged 91, in January, her family invited all those who loved her to give a donation to Wesley Mission in lieu of flowers, in honour of her life of service to others and her...
Lisa was 15 when she was linked to a foster family by Wesley Mission. “I was an emergency case,” Lisa remembers.
With news coming out daily of new virus infections and lockdowns, many people in our communities struggle with their mental health triggered by isolation, health fears, job losses and financial...
From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for helping people experiencing homelessness and need like Brooke* and her little daughter Abby. Brooke remembers it being freezing cold when she was forced...
“Everyone should have someone,” says Mary, Lifeline Sydney & Sutherland crisis support volunteer.
From 7 to 13 September, over 70 charities will unite for Include a Charity Week – an event encouraging Australians to consider leaving a gift in their Will to their favourite cause.
It was cold. Sometimes unbearably cold. Every night Vince would huddle in his crowded tent, which he shared with four other men beneath the light rail tunnels at Wentworth Park.