About us

Our reconciliation journey

Reconciliation starts with truth

Acknowledgement of Country

We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as Australia’s First Peoples.


We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the original and ongoing Custodians of the lands and waters on which we all live and work. We recognise the continuing sovereignty of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples across the Australian states and territories where we have a presence, and their absolute right to self-determination.


We pay our respects to all Elders – past, present and future generations – and to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities.


"The beating heart of the Christian faith is our understanding that, in and through Jesus Christ, God is actively working in our world, reconciling people to himself and each other, and calls those who would follow Jesus to his message and work of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:18-19). "




- Stu Cameron,  CEO and Superintendent of Wesley Mission


Commitment to truth

Our reconciliation strategy is an important part of continuing our vision of doing all the good we can. We believe reconciliation starts with acknowledging the truth. This means acknowledging our contribution to the injustices experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and seeking to be reconciled. Only then can we walk together and begin to realise a just, equitable and healing culture where all may flourish. That’s why we’re focused on three action areas.

We continue to build our people’s understanding, value and recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, histories, knowledge and rights.

Reconciliation requires trusted, respectful relationships. We are proud and privileged to have built informal partnerships with more than 100 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations.


They help us improve access to our services, provide input into our planning and service delivery, and make our service quality and outcomes better.

Real opportunities

Through our employment commitments and opportunities, we create a welcoming, safe and inclusive workplace for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees and volunteers.


Wesley Mission is a place where they can develop and flourish in applying their gifts and talents.

Read our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) that sets out our vision to listen deeply and walk together on our journey towards reconciliation. 

Documenting the truth

To share the stories and experiences of First Nations peoples, we created a short documentary, Truth. The film captures the story of Wesley Mission’s Reconciliation Action Lead, Aunty Kathy Donnelly – and the impact of colonisation on Aboriginal People in far western New South Wales.
RAP Artwork

RAP artwork

We are guided by First Nations Elders, colleagues and partners on our path towards reconciliation. We walk and learn alongside one another, so Wesley Mission can serve people with respect and care and make sure they remain connected to culture, families and their communities.  


Our Reconciliation Action Plan artwork by proud Ngemba woman Tamiera Marie Donnelly captures the essence of this journey.

Supporting First Nations peoples

We respect the self-determination of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities, and this is reflected in how we work and the services we offer - from child and family services to vocational training and services across housing, mental health support and more.


We're committed to culturally safe and competent practices and to creating culturally safe and competent spaces, applying current best practices. We continually refresh our strategies to retain and engage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff and rely on our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Group to help us continue advancing as an employer of choice for First Nations people.

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