About us

Who we are

Wesley Mission helps people in need across Australia
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We’re driven to do good because every life matters


Grounded in compassion and inspired by Jesus, for more than 200 years we’ve been standing by people at every stage of life. We invest in vital safety nets like Lifeline and fight systemic injustices such as housing inequity and gambling harm.


Our services uplift children, families, older Australians, people with disability and those needing pathways out of homelessness, addiction, mental health challenges and financial hardship. Our churches are places of spiritual growth, connection and hope.

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200 +
years of caring
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programs across NSW

Who we are

Ours is a story of faith, hope and commitment.


It began with a church that wanted to help the most vulnerable people in society, and it grew into a lasting mission to challenge injustice and walk with people when they’re in need.


Today, Wesley Mission is a community services provider and a church. We’re unwavering in our support for Australians and Australian communities – and together, we do more good, because every life matters.

Over 28000

What we do

Disability support
If you live with disability, you want a supporter who is relentlessly committed to your goals. That’s us!
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Foster care

Children and young people experience safety, stability and respect because our foster carers are ordinary people gifting extraordinary care.

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Home care

With in-home care, you can continue to feel safe and independent at home, and connected socially.

Retirement living

New friends, community amenities and quiet moments in nature are just steps from your door in our retirement villages.

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Other services for older people

Take a class and learn something new, make new friends, arrange for someone to visit you at home, or get help navigating the government’s aged care services. We’ve got you covered!

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Family services

Every family needs help sometimes. Our support helps families strengthen their bonds and get through tough times together.

Financial wellbeing

Financial stress is nothing to be ashamed of, and you don’t have to manage it alone. We’ll walk with you and help you gain back control of your finances.

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Housing and homelessness

Everyone is entitled to a safe, affordable home. If you’re at risk of homelessness, or experiencing it now, reach out to us. We’ll help you with immediate steps.


Just like you, we want a world where no one dies by suicide. So we’re empowering and resourcing communities to support those most at risk.

Youth services

If you’re between ages 12-18 and you need some kind of support, we can help or connect you to someone who can.

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Education and training

Looking for accredited courses? We’re a registered registered training organisation (RTO) providing Vocational Education and Training (VET) programs and short courses in a whole range of topics.

Support Our Work | Major Gifts & Legacies | Wesley Wills Days - Hero Image


Our vision is doing all the good we can, because every life matters. We realise this vision by fulfilling our mission of continuing the work of Jesus Christ in Word and deed.


In 1812, three unlikely men – a convicted felon, a lawyer and a schoolteacher – began holding Methodist meetings in The Rocks in Sydney. That was the start of Wesley Mission, and it set our enduring culture of radical generosity and relentless drive to do all the good we can.

Our History | Wesley Edward Eagar Centre
Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan

Throughout our history, we’ve boldly pursued big goals. Lifeline, the world’s first telephone counselling service. Australia’s first gambling addiction service. Services to support vulnerable women and children.


In 2024, we supported more than 150,000 people. Learn more about our outcomes and impact in our annual reports.

Soft Hearts Sharp Minds Annual Report Header

Get to know us

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Our people

Our people make a real difference every day with their unwavering, skilled and compassionate support.


We are committed to working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to establish a just, equitable and healing culture, and we acknowledge...

About Us - Our Governance (Hero image)

The integrity of our governance structures helps ensure the people we serve receive the highest quality care and services.

Care Danny simply can’t live without featured image
News and stories

See what’s happening at Wesley Mission, and meet some of the incredible people we support.