Wesley Aunties & Uncles

Wesley Aunties & Uncles offers children up to 12 years old from disadvantaged homes an extra family environment through ‘aunties’ and ‘uncles’ who invest in their lives and provide mentoring, care, and guidance. 

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Founded in 1974 by Rose White, Wesley Aunties & Uncles has provided care through this mentoring program for over 40 years to children up to 12 years old living in challenging circumstances.

What are the benefits for children?

Children spend one day or weekend with their uncle or aunty each month, participating in a range of activities that build their confidence and life skills.

Who can have a Wesley Aunties & Uncles mentor?

The situation in which children may become part of the program vary, and may include:

  • challenging circumstances at home which affect how much direct one-on-one attention a carer is able to give a child, such as another family member with a physical disability or intellectual disability, chronic illness, addiction or domestic disturbances. 
  • a single parent home
  • a lack of an extended network of supportive family or friends, as role models and mentors for the child.

Refer a child

Children can be referred by social welfare agencies, counsellors or parents/guardians themselves. If you would like to refer a child to be included in the Wesley Aunties & Uncles mentoring program, contact us to request an application.

We are always looking for more open-hearted aunties and uncles to get involved in this life-changing mentoring program.

Complete the form below to refer a child to the service or to apply to become a Wesley Aunt or Uncle. If you’d prefer to speak on the phone, call the office on (02) 9638 2480.