Child care subsidy

Wesley out of school hours care 2 2Child care subsidy

This benefit reduces the cost of your total childcare fees. It’s available if you’re a parent, foster carer, or grandparent with a child attending a child care service approved by or registered with the government.

All families with Australian residency and up-to-date immunisation records using approved child care are eligible, depending on their income status and work/study activity level. The percentage discount obtainable is determined by a means test administered by the Department of Human Services.

Once the means test is completed, the Department of Human Services issues the family with Customer Reference Numbers which need to be supplied to the Wesley Out of School Hours Care office. Until the test has been undertaken and we have the information required, families will be required to pay the full fee.

Department of Human Services

For more information on the Child Care Benefit or Child Care Rebate, visit the Department of Human Services website.