Quick guide to our respite services

Wesley Respite services are designed to help carers like you concentrate on your own emotional wellbeing.

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Whether it’s in-home or at one of our centres, we take over your caring responsibilities for a short time to give you the break you need.

Flexible respite

  • take a break for a few hours, a full week or just the night
  • get trained support to take over your caring role, including the provision of personal care and transport.
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Planned respite

Due to the demanding nature of a carer’s role, short-term and emergency respite services can be very beneficial in supporting their emotional, physical and intellectual wellbeing and contributing to their caring role.

Planned respite is designed to give carers a break and maintain and promote caring relationships. Planned respite can be provided in the home on a regular basis or as one off respite as needs require. A schedule of routine in-home respite sessions may also be arranged so that carers can rest assured they will have the support they need on a regular basis.

Emergency respite

This may be needed where a carer is temporarily unable to continue in their caring role—for instance, if they have become unwell, are hospitalised or need to respond quickly to another personal or family matter—and alternative care needs to be found quickly. Emergency respite can either be provided in a person’s home or in a residential facility.

In-home respite

Wesley Respite’s in-home services provide support for people caring for a loved one in their own home.

Wesley In-home Respite provides short-term help with:

  • personal care, bathing and dressing
  • light housework
  • preparation of meals
  • shopping
  • emotional and social support.

This service may be accessed as an individual service or as part of a more comprehensive package of care services.

Centre based respite

Wesley Respite provides support for people who are caring for a family member or loved one by providing care for those they are caring for at a facility or centre.

Wesley Mission provides a range of facilities for respite including:

Arrangements or bookings for centre based respite should be made directly through the respite provider. Contact us for more information.