Customer feedback

We are continually striving to be a better service provider and we welcome your feedback.

Helpful links

If you are a tenant or applicant of Wesley Community Housing, you have the right to make a complaint or provide feedback. Please complete the form below to submit any feedback or complaints.

Our feedback processes

Maintenance surveys

We currently survey at least 10 per cent of responsive repair jobs to monitor satisfaction and find areas we can improve. As a team we review these results quarterly, with trends in feedback actioned.

First quarter check in

Within the first 12 weeks of a tenant moving into a Wesley Community Housing property, we call them to check how they’re going and if they’re satisfied with the property. This is also an opportunity to remind tenants how to contact us and what to do if they have a complaint. 

2022 Tenant Satisfaction Survey through Community Housing Industry Association NSW (CHIA NSW)

Every two years, we work in partnership with CHIA NSW to collect comprehensive feedback about our service from our tenants.

We’re happy to, once again, receive positive results and renew our commitment to review and implement feedback to continually improve our service.

Standout results from the 2022 survey indicate we rank fourth out of 42 for listening and acting on tenants’ views and fifth out of 43 for tenant involvement compared to other NSW Community Housing Providers. View all results below to learn more about what our tenants think.

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