For WCH Tenants

Find information to help you as a Wesley Community Housing tenant.

You can access the latest copy of our tenant newsletter here:

Tenant and community engagement program

Wesley Community Housing’s established program includes:

  • tenant meetings
  • gardening days on site in partnership with the Royal Botanic Gardens
  • walking groups in partnership with local community groups
  • a variety of wellbeing activities
  • training.

We’re always keen to hear your ideas for engagement! Contact Liesa, Community Engagement Lead on 1800 770 602 or if you have any ideas.

News for tenants

On my own two feet: Isaiah’s goal

Isaiah* has a story like so many before him – an immigrant, a family man and a hard worker.

However, Isaiah never imagined his life playing out like it did. A father who worked as a security guard to pay the bills. Isaiah had a successful job, family support and a house in southwestern Sydney.

Two years ago, family breakdown would be the start to a series of events which would eventually find Isaiah in hospital, without support and facing uncertainty. However, there was a hope.

Isaiah is a man of faith, so he turned to God during this time.

He asked God, “God, be the doctor for my doctor. Watch over him and you take care of the surgery ahead of me.”

Isaiah woke from his surgeries with little to no pain. In his heart, he knew God had listened and blessed him during this time. It was in hospital after his surgery where Isaiah met Tharak from Liverpool Men’s Centre. From here Isaiah found his way to Wesley Mission, thanks to Tharak who connected him with Peter, Wesley Mission Housing Lead.

“I believe God sent me Wesley Mission because He loves me… While the people I knew didn’t help me, Wesley Mission who didn’t know me, helped me, and provided me a place to live.”

Isaiah regularly attends events held in the courtyard of his home, including morning teas, games days and birthday celebrations. He now feels a renewed sense of family – a Wesley Mission family made up of his neighbours and the Wesley Mission team.

Today, Isaiah now gives others the same advice he gave his younger self about the importance of setting goals for life, family, and future. And despite having setbacks, Isaiah’s goals have stayed true.

“I want to get a job, become more independent and help myself,” he says.

“You must help yourself if you can. One day, I will get up on my feet again. I will.”

Of his experience with Wesley Mission, Isaiah says, “Kindness is a beautiful thing.”

Selfie of Isaiah

*Name changed to protect privacy

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Contact us
If you still can’t find what you’re looking for, contact the team here or by calling 1800 770 602.

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If our service does not meet your expectations, please let us know. We have a complaint handling process that aims to ensure that your concerns are addressed promptly and fairly. Please click here for more information.