Repair Request

As part of our commitment to ensuring your property is safe and well maintained, we take responsibility for the working order and maintenance of your property and any items we have provided including stoves and cookers.

As part of our commitment to ensuring your property is safe and well maintained, we take responsibility for the working order and maintenance of your property and any items we have provided.

To ensure your property is safe and maintained, please keep these guidelines in mind:

  • as a tenant you are responsible for reporting any damage or repairs as quickly as possible
  • we will repair anything that is damaged due to reasonable wear and tear
  • your Residential Tenancy Agreement lists all the items we are legally responsible for

You may be responsible for a repair if the damage has been caused by your actions. We can still organise to have the problem fixed for you, but you will need to pay for the repairs.

How do I request a repair?

You can request a repair by:

Repairs and maintenance request

Complete the form below to request a repair. Once complete, you will be contacted by a Wesley Mission representative who will advise you of the timeframe allocated to complete the work.

Urgent repairs

Examples of urgent repairs include:

  • flooding or serious floor damage
  • gas leak
  • electrical fault
  • blocked or broken toilet
  • faulty or broken hot water, water, cooking, heating or laundering
  • faulty or broken gas, electricity or water supply
  • fittings or fixtures provided by Wesley Mission are using excessive amounts of water
  • damage that is making your home unsafe
  • a serious fault in a lift or staircase
  • significant security threats

Please contact us before organising someone to service, repair or install the following items:

  • air conditioners or heating
  • alarm systems
  • pest control
  • phone connections
  • cable, satellite or pay TV services.

Helpful links

Contact us
If you still can’t find what you’re looking for, contact the team here or by calling 1800 770 602.

Would you like to send us a compliment? Please submit the form here.

If our service does not meet your expectations, please let us know. We have a complaint handling process that aims to ensure that your concerns are addressed promptly and fairly. Please click here for more information.