Teenagers and young adults

Wesley Mission offers a number of programs to help young people across New South Wales who need a place to stay.

Helpful links

Youth homeless services

Through a range of programs we can help you:

  • access safe and affordable accommodation
  • get support for mental health, addictions, family breakdown and/or financial stress
  • access appropriate services and advocate on your behalf
  • explore options for medium and long-term housing
  • discuss and explore pathways to employment
  • develop a rental accommodation assistance plan
  • access transport.
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We operate in locations across Sydney’s Inner West, as well as the Mid North Coast of New South Wales and Coffs Harbour. As well as accommodation support, Wesley Mission has a range of support services in each region to help young people facing homelessness or other hardships.

Wesley Youth Accommodation Service

We provide a variety of services to young people in the Coffs Harbour, Bellingen, Bowraville and Nambucca regions, including a crisis refuge for 14-17 year olds, transitional housing for 16-25 year olds and outreach services for 12-25 year olds.

Contact us for our address:

Location: Coffs Harbour NSW 2450
Phone: (02) 6652 7124
Email: wyascbn@wesleymission.org.au