Counselling For professionals

If you’re a professional looking to refer clients to financial counselling services, Wesley Counselling has a number of resources for you. If you’d like to refer someone for Financial Counselling or Gambling Counselling services, don’t hesitate to get in touch. Call 1800 827  638 or complete the form below.

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In Charge of My Money

We also offer the Financial Literacy Program ‘In Charge of My Money’ which runs in workplaces and other organisations to educate people on handling their finances and increase their confidence in money matters..

This program, launched in 2011, is particularly suited to group presentations and has already been adopted by a range of workplaces, community organisations, drug and alcohol centres and multicultural and migrant groups. The program is delivered in three modules and complements our existing one-on-one service delivered by our counsellors which predominantly helps people who may be already experiencing financial difficulties.

Wesley Financial Literacy Education Program 04

To make a booking for In Charge of My Money at your workplace or organisation, contact us at:

Mail: 85 Milton Street, Ashfield NSW 2131
Ph: (02) 9275 2861

Alternatively, make an enquiry below