Wesley Financial Literacy Education Program

Launched in 2011 in response to our research into the growing rate of financial stress in the community, the program is an early intervention strategy helping people manage their money and avoid debt. Call us on 1800 676 039.

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Wesley Financial Literacy Education Program’s In Charge of My Money is an important component of life skill-building. It enables learners to gain skills and confidence to make informed and effective money management decisions.

This award-winning educational program is particularly suited to group presentations and has already been adopted by a range of workplaces, community organisations, drug and alcohol centres and multicultural and migrant groups. The program is evidence-based and aligned to the National Financial Literacy Strategy. It is designed to be accessible, comprehensive, applicable and easy to understand. We deliver our program at your organisation’s site or various sites around Sydney if there are enough participants.


Broken into three modules, each using worksheets to engage the participants, the materials incorporate information from the MoneySmart website with permission from Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC).

Module 1: Know it—Your income and expenses

Wesley Financial Literacy Education Program 04This section examines the sources of your income and expenses, what you spend your money on and how you pay for things.

Part 1: know your income and expenses
Part 2: know where your money goes
Part 3: know how you pay for things.

Module 2: Do it—Managing your money

This section examines how to manage your money by identifying your goals, saving, planning and preparing a budget.

Part 1: know what you want—goal setting
Part 2: pay yourself first—savings
Part 3: planning and budgeting—manage your money.

Module 3: Review it—Managing your debt

This section explores how you manage your debt through examining your loans and the cost of borrowing. It provides an opportunity to review expenses and manage debt through budgeting.

Part 1: getting into and out of debt
Part 2: know the real cost of borrowing
Part 3: monitor and manage your debt
Part 4: where to go for help.

The information given is general in nature and the course is not intended to provide financial or investment advice. Contact us to arrange for your organisation or group to participate in the In Charge of My Money program.

Register your interest

Please complete the form below to register your interest in the Wesley Financial Literacy Education Program.