Mental health and resilience in the workplace

One in five Australians will experience a mental health condition each year. Mental health issues have a significant impact, not only on individuals and their families, but more broadly across communities and organisations. In the workplace, mental health issues can have a serious impact, which is estimated to cost Australian businesses $10.9 billion per year1.

Creating a healthy workplace with resilient staff can help protect companies and their staff from the impacts of mental health issues. That’s why Wesley LifeForce has developed “Mental Health and Resilience in the Workplace” – a training program to raise awareness of mental health issues in the workplace, foster open communication and enhance employee resilience and stress management skills.

Find out more

Want to register yourself or your business for “Mental Health and Resilience in the Workplace” training? Contact Wesley LifeForce to find out more.

Call 1800 100 024 or email


1 Beyondblue (Organisation) PricewaterhouseCoopers (Australia), 2014. Creating a mentally healthy workplace: return on  investment analysis.

3 McTernan, W.P., Dollard, M.F., and LaMontagne, A.D. (2013) ‘Depression in the workplace: An economic cost analysis of depression-related productivity loss attributable to job strain and bullying’, in Work and Stress 27:4, pp321-338