Training for individuals


If you’re struggling with mental health issues, you’re not alone. Managing your workload and relationships with your colleagues can be challenging when you are stressed, anxious, depressed or otherwise unwell. 

Registering as an individual for “Mental Health and Resilience in the Workplace” will give you techniques to deal with difficult situations and learn skills to improve your resilience.

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Find out more

Want to register yourself or your business for “Mental Health and Resilience in the Workplace” training? Contact Wesley LifeForce to find out more.

Call 1800 100 024 or email



1 Beyondblue (Organisation) PricewaterhouseCoopers (Australia), 2014. Creating a mentally healthy workplace: return on  investment analysis.

3 McTernan, W.P., Dollard, M.F., and LaMontagne, A.D. (2013) ‘Depression in the workplace: An economic cost analysis of depression-related productivity loss attributable to job strain and bullying’, in Work and Stress 27:4, pp321-338