Care for carers

We recognise that caring for someone with a mental illness, disability, or for an older person can be tremendously challenging, both physically and emotionally.

Helpful links

Our respite services are designed to give carers a break, enabling them to sustain their ongoing responsibilities and look after their own emotional wellbeing.

Wesley In-home Respite provides short-term help with:

  • personal care, bathing and dressing
  • light housework
  • preparation of meals
  • shopping
  • emotional and social support.

Carers can choose to take a break for a few hours, a week or overnight. We also have many Centre Based Respite services which provide facilities for respite including:

  • day centres, such as Wesley Seniors Living Centre
  • day activity centres and residential facilities provided by Wesley Disability Respite
  • residential facilities such as Wesley Seniors independent living.

Arrangements or bookings for centre based respite should be made directly through the respite provider, for example, Wesley Seniors Living Centre

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