If you’re looking for meaningful employment and meet the following criteria we want to hear from you.
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People seeking employment through Wesley Supported Employment services must meet the following entry criteria:
- receive a Disability Support Pension and/or be assessed as meeting the criteria for DSP by Centrelink
- have a current NDIS Plan which contains activity in supported employment as a funded goal
- have a disability in the mild to moderate range, with support needs that can be met by the service
- be able to travel to and from work independently
- have no major behaviour problems
- have a real motivation to work
- able to work a minimum of 8 hours each week
- able to attend to their basic personal needs
- aged 16 years old and over
- be willing to take part in a supported wages assessment each year
- willing to undertake a criminal record check prior to commencement, achieving a satisfactory result.
People meeting the above criteria and interested in supported employment with Wesley Mission can complete the form below or call us on (02) 8845 1300.
We’ll arrange an interview, take you on a tour of our facilities and when appropriate, conduct a Criminal Record Check.