Hire our recording studio

Storytelling that gives back

Bring your story to life at Wesley Recording Studio.

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About Wesley Recording Studio


Bring your story to life at Wesley Recording Studio, with a broad range of audio-visual services and expert technicians to guide you. Located at Wesley Conference Centre, it’s ideal for shooting event content, or can be booked on its own. Our services include:


  • Audible Production_Icon
    Audiobook production
  • Podcasts_Icon
  • Video recording Icon
    Video recording
  • Greenscreen Icon
  • Real-time editing Icon
    Real-time editing
  • Live streamed events & production_icon
    Live-streamed events and production

We will help tell your story

Centrally located in the heart of Sydney CBD, explore unlimited creativity and storytelling with Wesley Recording Studio’s broad range of audio visual services from audiobook production, podcast creation, video recording, greenscreen, real-time editing, live-streamed events and production. 

Book at your convenience with flexible recording session times and be supported by our highly experienced AV technicians. Close to public transport, we’re just a four-minute walk from both Town Hall and St James stations or access onsite parking. 

Reach out today to discuss how we can help you achieve your recording needs. 

For Businesses | Hire our venues | Post Production

Why choose us?

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Our experienced team
Be supported by our team of dedicated AV technicians with 20-plus years of industry experience working across top brands, multimedia events and recording artists. Be assured our highly experienced team will come alongside you to support you in achieving your project goals. 
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Our personalised service
Bring your story to life with our capabilities for any type of audio visual project or event.
Out tech support
Create your audio visual project with our modern, state-of-the-art recording studio and high-quality production, video and audio equipment.

What people are saying

Contact us

Wesley Recording Studio
220 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000
(02) 9263 5500

Open Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm, excluding public holidays. 

Weekends are available on request.