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Advocating for social justice

Advocacy | Connect with Stu | Image of Jim Presenting 2024

Our advocacy


Wesley Mission is a leader in advocating for policies and reforms that improve the lives of everyone in New South Wales. We advocate for social justice across all our programs, but we are but we are focused on three particular campaigns: gambling reform, housing insecurity and homelessness, and suicide prevention and mental health. Learn more about these below.


Issues we focus on

Policies have real impacts on people's everyday lives. As a provider of community services, we see these impacts, and have a unique view of how policies translate to lived experiences. We use this knowledge to actively advocate at the state and federal government levels, in coalition with likeminded community groups and churches.
Advocacy | Gambling Reform
Gambling reform
We are working to end the devastating impact of gambling harm on individuals, their families and communities by advocating for meaningful reform.
Housing & Homelessness | Edward Eagar Centre - Vinces Story
Housing insecurity and homelessness
Every person has a right to a safe and affordable home. That's why we advocate tirelessly for positive housing reform and improved accessibility.
Mental Health | Suicide Prevention | Women getting help
Suicide prevention and mental health
Every year one in every five of us experience poor mental health. Since 1963 Wesley Mission has been saving lives and restoring relationships with mental health and suicide prevention programs.

Get involved

Do you want to make life better for people in Australia? Together, we can. Here’s how you can get involved in our advocacy work and create change for communities.
Gambling reform
Help end gambling harm by adding your voice to those of thousands of people who are calling for change.
Sports gambling ad ban
Join us in our work to achieve a full ban on sports gambling ads, to protect our children.
Sign up for our quarterly newsletter

If you share our belief in working together to advocate for better lives for all, you'll probably enjoy our quarterly newsletter. Keep up with our campaigns and get actionable ways to help. Email us on and we'll add you to the mailing list.

Our impact

Our statements

Partner with us for more impact


Together, we can make a bigger difference. Partnering or coordinating our advocacy and calls for reform can help us increase our impact together and independently. We welcome opportunities to partner in advocacy with likeminded organisations.

Advocacy | Connect with Stu | Image of Stu Speaking | Email 2024

Authorised by Rev Stu Cameron, Wesley Mission, 220 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000.


How does Wesley Mission set its advocacy priorities?
We surveyed our 2000+ staff across NSW on advocacy priorities. The three areas they consistently reported as impacting the lives of their clients and communities then became our advocacy priorities.
How can I get involved?

There are several ways individuals can help support our advocacy work, including: 

  • Telling a friend and encouraging them to support our campaigns, too. 

Alternatively, as an organisation, you can: 

How do I stay up to date on your advocacy efforts?
Join Wesley Mission’s Advocacy Network to receive updates on the latest advocacy issues and ways to get involved. Email us at and we’ll add you to our mailing list.
How do you work with policymakers and other organisations to create change?
On our gambling reform advocacy:
  • We work with over 40 organisations ranging from Domestic Violence NSW to Financial Counsellors Australia (NSW) to faith groups. They see the impact of gambling harm on their clients and those in their communities.
  • Wesley Mission also regularly meets MPs, councillors, public servants, policy developers and decision makers at all levels of government.  
How do you measure the impact of your advocacy work?

For poker machine reform:


  • We have called for five legislative or regulatory reforms this term of state government. Some have already been announced, others are partially addressed, while others are under negotiation. We still have over two years before the next election to achieve success!

  • We conduct and publish six-monthly Community Attitudes to Gambling Surveys which track changes in community sentiment around reforms.

  • Our analysis of the losses through poker machines, released quarterly by Liquor and Gaming, is a standard reference for journalists and community organisations. We monitor media uptake and audience reach, showing increased interest every quarter.

  • We regularly monitor media mentions of gambling reform, where Wesley Mission is often the only NSW based gambling reform.

For gambling ad bans:

  • We work with national organisations to influence decision makers in Federal Parliament.

  • We monitor media around the issue, noting a strong increase in pro-reform statements across the political spectrum.

  • We include questions on gambling ad bans in our Community Attitudes to Gambling 6-monthly surveys.

Join the movement for change

Together we can push for reform that improves lives and creates a better future for our communities. Reach out today and be part of the change. 




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