Autumn Appeal 2025
Your donations help people thrive
We walk directly alongside people and communities across Australia, helping people through all life stages and through tough times.
Our community services support children and families, older Australians, people with disability and people needing pathways out of hardship like homelessness and tough domestic situations. We're true members of the community, and your support goes straight where it's needed most.
By donating, you walk alongside Australians who need help, giving them hope that people care, and tangible support to empower them through difficult times
A gift in your will makes a difference for decades beyond your lifetime. With a bequest, your care and compassion reach people across generations.
Join us as a major supporter and amplify your impact on the future of Australia. We partner with philanthropists on focused projects that align with their purpose and match their objectives, delivering measurable and valuable societal impact.
From volunteering days to fundraising or sponsoring an event, there are many opportunities for your workplace to make a positive impact. If you’re looking for ways to express your commitment to social impact and corporate social responsibility, we invite you to get in touch.
Your support makes our work possible and means we can continue to fulfil our mission to do all the good we can.
Please contact us if you have any questions about donating to Wesley Mission. You can complete a form, call us 1800 021 821, or email
Wesley Mission is a part of the Uniting Church in Australia, Charity Number ABN 42 164 655 145, is endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office as a Deductible Gift Recipient, and therefore gifts of two dollars ($2) or more to Wesley Mission in each State or Territory are tax deductible for the donor. All donations are directly used by Wesley Mission Community Services Pty Ltd.
To join our Partners in Hope program as a monthly giver: