Leaving a gift in your Will

Find tips and information on how to establish your legacy of generosity.

Find tips and information on how to establish your legacy of generosity.

Five steps to leaving a bequest in your Will

Leaving a gift in your Will isn’t a complicated process

Step 1

Discuss your intention to leave a gift in your Will with those who you care about the most.

Step 2

Choose the type of bequest you’d like to leave.

pecuniary gift – a set sum of money

residual gift – a percentage of the value of your estate, which may also include the remainder of your estate

specific gift – a gift of a particular asset, such as a house, car, shares, investments, furniture or jewellery

designated gift – a gift to a particular service, for example homelessness, mental health (Lifeline Sydney & Sutherland) and children (Wesley Dalmar foster care).

Step 3

Consult your solicitor regarding your intentions. If you wish to include Wesley Mission in your plans use our sample wording. If you don’t have a solicitor, you can attend a Wesley Wills Days or write your will online with Australia’s leading online will writing platform Safewill at a discounted rate of $80. 

Step 4

Instruct your solicitor to prepare your Will and bequest intention to ensure it is legally binding.

Step 5

Advise Wesley Mission of your intention to leave a gift in your Will. Contact us on (02) 9263 5548 or email giftinwills@wesleymission.org.au.

For more information on leaving a gift in your Will, contact our team or check out our FAQs.

Sample bequest wording

If you’re ready to leave a gift in your Will to Wesley Mission, copy and complete this wording and provide it to your solicitor.​

“I give ________ to Wesley Mission of 220 Pitt Street Sydney NSW (ABN 42 1646 55145) for the general purposes thereof.”

Should you wish to direct your gift to a specific Wesley Mission program or community service area, for example, our religious mission or homelessness services, use the following.

“I give ________ to Wesley Mission of 220 Pitt Street Sydney NSW (ABN 42 1646 55145) for the specific area of ________.”

We also recommend including the following disclaimer.

“The receipt executed on behalf of Wesley Mission shall be sufficient discharge for my Trustee and my Trustee shall not be bound to see the application of the said gift.”

If you don’t have a Will or a solicitor, why not come along to one of our upcoming Wesley Wills Days? It’s a great opportunity to speak with an independent solicitor about your estate and wishes, and you can have a simple Will prepared for a fraction of the normal cost. Alternatively, you can also write your will online with Australia’s leading online will writing platform Safewill at a discounted rate of $80. 

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For more information on how to leave a gift in your Will to Wesley Mission download brochure.