Wesley Aunties and Uncles

Below you’ll find simple tips about how to word your gift, as well as information about our Wesley Wills Day to help you make leaving a gift in your Will easy. 

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Any adult over the age of 21 who has a friendly, caring nature and a genuine liking for children can become a volunteer mentor in the Wesley Aunties & Uncles program. Mentors come from all walks of life and may be single or a couple and be with or without children.

These children are living with challenging family circumstances which may include a parent or sibling struggling with chronic illness or addiction, emotional trauma, social and financial disadvantage, isolation and limited extended family support.

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It is essential that volunteer mentors are willing to make this commitment for a minimum of 12 months. Many of the children referred to the program have had lots of disappointment and rejection in their life and need to know they are accepted.

During their time together aunts and uncles plan simple activities that help the child learn more about positive social and life skills and create happy childhood memories. ‘Nieces and nephews’ mostly enjoy becoming part of the everyday life of their new family’s life, participating in cooking meals, washing the dog, going for walks or participating in other activities the family does on the weekend.

To get in touch with the Uncles and Aunties office, enquire here