Family services


Building strong families, healthy homes, and bright futures. 

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What we do


At Wesley Mission, we are committed to implementing programs that support families to create a nurturing and safe home for children to live and thrive. 


SafeCare is an early intervention program designed to support parents of young children (aged 0-5) in their own homes. It focusses on fostering positive parent-child interactions, creating a safe home environment and enhancing children’s overall health and well-being.  


As an evidence-based early intervention program, SafeCare aligns seamlessly with our goal of reshaping the child and family system to prioritise early support strategies. 

The SafeCare program

SafeCare is an 18-week behavioural skills program. For about an hour a week, a SafeCare provider visits the family home and provides hands-on training to help you build parenting techniques. This allows caregivers to practice the skills in real life scenarios with the support and coaching of their SafeCare provider. The SafeCare program leads families through three essential modules: 
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Parent-child relationships
The program promotes stronger bonds by teaching parents how to foster connection, show affection and engage in enriching, playful interactions with...
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Home safety

Families receive guidance on maintaining a safe and hygienic home, identifying and removing potential hazards and ensuring adequate supervision to...

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Health care
Parents learn how to provide proper physical care for their children, handle minor illnesses at home and understand when to consult a doctor or seek...


The purpose of SafeCare is: 
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Strengthen parents’ capabilities and skills.
Increase positive attachment between parents and children.
Improve home safety.
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Improve how parents respond to their child's health.
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Reduce child protection reports and future incidents of child maltreatment.
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Support healthy development in the essential first five years of a child's life.
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Reduce incidents of maltreatment and neglect.
Keep families together.
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Evidence based

SafeCare has a stellar, proven track record spanning over four decades. Its history demonstrates its effectiveness in preventing child maltreatment, whilst promoting the safety and well-being of children.  

SafeCare is a globally recognised and delivered caregiver training program.

Research has found the following positive outcomes:
  • Increased parenting skills
  • Reduced likelihood of child maltreatment reports 
  • reduced parental depression 
  • Positive participant satisfaction 


For insights into how SafeCare has been implemented in Australia, read the NSW Government Department of Communities and Justice: SafeCare Interim Evaluation Report .


How to access support

For more information about the program or to make a referral please use the contact details below.