2023: Homeless crisis housing

Homeless crisis housing

Read our latest report that explores how people perceive Wesley Edward Eagar Centre and its staff.

ReportTile 810x540 1Read our latest report that explores how people perceive Wesley Edward Eagar Centre and its staff.

Since 1979, Wesley Edward Eagar Centre (WEEC) has provided sanctuary for people experiencing homelessness, empowering them to transition to stable accommodation. In 2021, Wesley Mission unveiled the newly renovated WEEC, which sought to demonstrate a new model of care driven by the value and dignity we see in the people we serve, so that they may start to see it in themselves.

A survey of how people perceive WEEC and its staff, this report evaluates the new model of care and provides invaluable insights into our service delivery, staff engagement and client outcomes.

The report shows improved performance of both the centre and its staff, with their compassion and authenticity cited as a main point of difference between WEEC and other service providers.

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