2019: Wesley LifeForce Training Evaluation Report

Wesley LifeForce Training Evaluation Report

Read our latest publication which is an overview of findings from the AISRAP report

Wesley LifeForce

Wesley LifeForce provides suicide prevention services that educate and empower local communities, supporting people most at risk.

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In 2018, the Australian Institute for Suicide Research and Prevention (AISRAP), Griffith University, completed a two-phase study examining and evaluating the suite of Wesley LifeForce Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training programs. The suite of suicide prevention training packages have been developed to meet the needs of frontline community workers, including community members, aged care nurses, aged care workers and relationship counsellors.

The AISRAP study demonstrated strong evidence for Wesley LifeForce Training as a robust and effective gatekeeper training package.

An overview of the important findings of the AISRAP report are presented in our latest publication.

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