Summer 2022: You gave Bianca’s family a happy Christmas

Wesley Impact! news

Read the latest issue of Wesley Impact! news to learn more about the people you have helped and how their lives have changed through your donations.

As we turn the page on a challenging year, we want you to know the incredible difference your support has made to those doing it tough. Thanks to you, we’ve helped 115,700 people in need, including 11 per cent more people ‘most in need’ and nine per cent more people ‘in need’. And when lengthy COVID-19 lockdowns hit NSW hard, your generosity meant we could give food hampers and care packs to people who were struggling to put food on the table.

The impact of your support in FY 20/21

The impact of your support FY 20 21

In our latest newsletter, you can read about some of the lives you’ve helped transformed. There’s a lovely update from Bianca’s and her twin boys who you met in our Christmas Appeal. With help like yours, she’s been making wonderful progress. We also have a story on how your support during COVID-19 has assisted Jacques’ family during lockdown and a beautiful and heartfelt story about a group of kids that helped raise money for our COVID-19 Emergency Relief Appeal. But it doesn’t don’t stop there, we have other uplifting and inspiring stories from Wesley School for Seniors and Community Housing as well!


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