Thank you - You changed the lives of Sarah and Elizabeth*

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Winter is here, and in the wet and cold more people in desperate need have been turning to Wesley Mission.

Thanks to our kind supporters like you, we’re giving them a safe, dry place to sleep along with blankets, meals, warm clothes and help to find longer-term housing. Sarah knows the difference this can make. She experienced homelessness with her little daughter Elizabeth as they fled family violence. Now when it’s raining, Sarah feels particularly thankful that she and Elizabeth have a warm and safe home, found for them by Wesley Mission.

Here is what Sarah recently shared about how happy and relieved this makes her feel:

“Honestly, from the bottom of my heart, I thank Wesley Mission. Their help means the world to us. And to the lovely people who support them, they are making a huge difference. That’s how much change they bring to this world.”

Having a stable home and ongoing support from Wesley Mission, Sarah is gradually healing from the emotional trauma of her past. Elizabeth is growing up confident and secure, surrounded by the love and care of her mum.

It’s wonderful that Sarah and Elizabeth are both doing well and thriving. But the growing housing crisis in Australia means more people can’t find homes. Sadly, in the cold tonight many people will have nowhere to lay their heads, including mums and little children. So last-minute gifts to our Winter Appeal are very welcome. 

*Name and photo changed for privacy.