2021: Wesley LifeForce Suicide Prevention Networks evaluation

2021: Wesley LifeForce Suicide Prevention Networks evaluation

26 February 2021 The Wesley Report


Wesley LifeForce Suicide Prevention Networks evaluation


Read our latest publication which is a summary of the report produced by Wesley LifeForce and the Centre for Mental Health, The University of Melbourne.

Read the report


Wesley LifeForce


Wesley LifeForce provides suicide prevention services that educate and empower local communities, supporting people most at risk.

Find out more

Together, the Australian Government’s Productivity Commission report into mental health and advice from the Prime Minister’s National Suicide Prevention Advisor have called for community action into suicide prevention by decreasing stigma and listening to those with a lived experience.


Wesley LifeForce Suicide Prevention Networks (Wesley LifeForce Networks) have been operating since 2007 and offer both grassroots community support and support for those with a lived experience of suicide. Due to the increasing emphasis on suicide prevention in Australia, Wesley Mission commissioned University of Melbourne to evaluate its Wesley LifeForce Suicide Prevention Networks Program.



From urban centres to remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, Wesley LifeForce Networks support many different people to find local solutions for local issues. Coupled with suicide prevention training workshops for community and healthcare members, Wesley LifeForce Networks provide a safe and empowering space for those with a lived experience of suicide. 

A summary of Wesley LifeForce Networks’ evaluation is presented in our latest publication.

Information for community members

Information for service providers and Primary Health Networks (PHNs)

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