We look different, but we’re the same organisation

Wesley Mission has launched a new website and refreshed brand. We remain the same organisation – a community services provider and a church that together support all people across all stages of life and challenge inequity so everyone can thrive.

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Flooded out of home
Flooded out of home
When Amanda* awoke to banging on her front door early last year, little did she know it would herald the start of a months-long period of homelessness for her, her three sons and two nephews who...

How you can help

Your support makes our work possible and means we can continue to fulfil our mission to do all the good we can. 
Volunteer with us
Give the gift of time and join our diverse, supportive team of volunteers.
Work for us
Enjoy a meaningful, rewarding career where you can do good and make an impact every single day.
Contact us
Please contact us if you have any questions about donating to Wesley Mission. You can complete a form, call us 1800 021 821, or email fundraising@wesleymission.org.au.
  • One Off
  • Monthly
One Off