News and Stories

Bianca’s story: a home for her growing family

Written by Admin | Sep 18, 2023 1:12:51 AM

When Bianca* fled a violent relationship, she had nowhere to sleep that night. Ending up at a refuge in her mid-twenties, it was through Wesley Mission’s support that she now has a safe home.

But it’s been a turbulent few years for Bianca. Prior to fleeing domestic abuse, her children were put into foster care due to violence from her now ex-partner.

“Losing my children into care sent me into a downward spiral,” Bianca says. “Getting used to the fact that I didn't have them at home with me anymore was really hard.”

After losing her children and then her home because of family violence, the road ahead remained bumpy as Bianca tried to rebuild her life.

“It’s been very up and down. There’s a part of me that wants to stand on my own two feet and be independent. And then there’s times I don’t feel I have this all together and need help. It’s a very big rollercoaster of emotions, not knowing what’s going to happen next,” Bianca says.

But through Wesley Community Housing, we provided Bianca with transitional accommodation and then social housing. Thankful to have her own studio apartment, Bianca finally felt safe.


A bigger home and supportive community


Then, over a year later, Bianca fell pregnant with twins. While happy news, Bianca became concerned that her apartment wasn’t big enough for the twins.

“I was worried about getting a family property before they were born,” Bianca says. “It would be very hard to have two little newborns in a one studio apartment – an all-in-one kitchen, bedroom and bathroom.”

Once again Wesley Community Housing stepped in to provide housing. Shortly before the twins, Kaylie* and Hunter* were born, we offered a family home that had become available.

“They've now got their own space where they can play or even just sit and be away from everyone. They've also got a big backyard that they can go play in,” Bianca explains.

“They've got so many toys too. So, it's allowed for room for them to have more than what they would have had if we were in something smaller.”

Since moving into her new home, Bianca has found a supportive community, including a family, who live across the road.

“My neighbour, she’s got a daughter the same age as the twins. While the kids are playing and having the times of their lives, it's good just to be able to sit back and have an adult conversation instead of a toddler conversation,” Bianca says.

Continually grateful


Since moving in, life hasn’t always been easy. Sadly, Bianca experienced domestic violence for the second time with the twins’ father, and since then, have separated. But even through all her challenges, Bianca remains thankful to Wesley Mission.

“Thank you are the only words that come to my mind,” she says. “As a person that has struggled a lot, my life has changed drastically since Wesley Mission helped me.”


“I have the stability of knowing that my kids are always going to have somewhere to lay their heads at night. I can provide them with the basics – food, shelter and clothes. Most people don’t realise how important those things are until they don’t have them.”

Bianca is particularly grateful for Kris, Wesley Community Housing Housing Lead for her consistent support over the last four years.

“She's been absolutely amazing. If I need help with something, she does. And if not, she looks into it for me. Whether that’s help inside or outside of Wesley Mission,” Bianca explains.


“She's been there through my whole journey. Even if I just need a chat and she's not busy. She'll sit on the phone and listen to me get off my chest, what I need to get off my chest.”

*Names and photos changed for privacy reasons.