How Isabel* found strength in her community

How Isabel* found strength in her community

Woman handing take-away coffee to another woman

When Isabel looks back on her time living at Wesley Mission supported accommodation, it is with fond memories of finding safety, friendship and community at a time when she was vulnerable. 


Isabel’s first contact with us was when she fled her home fearing for her life due to horrific domestic violence. Connecting with our team was a lifeline for Isabel. She had left behind all her belongings and needed support with not only a roof over her head, but everything practical to start afresh, such as furniture, blankets, clothes, toiletries and food. Not only that, she needed emotional support and friendship as she worked to rebuild her life. 


She found all this and more while living at Wesley Mission’s supported accommodation. She quickly became friends with her neighbours and built a beautiful relationship of support and trust with Wesley Mission, all thanks to our Community Housing Engagement Program run by Liesa.


Even though Isabel is no longer housed with Wesley Mission Community Housing, she continues to speak regularly to Liesa both on the phone and in person. Liesa provides Isabel with ongoing emotional support and practical encouragement while linking Isabel to services that can help her navigate the ups and downs of life.

“When I feel sad or need help, it’s still Liesa that I call because I know I can trust her. She brings me food and she listens to me, and I know she prays for me because she tells me she does. That makes me happy,” says Isabel.

Isabel enjoys returning to her Wesley Mission complex to catch up with her old friends at their regular barbeques and activity days. Liesa says Isabel’s ongoing involvement is a testament to the strength of the Wesley Mission community. 

“It was friendship and community that made Isabel feel safe when she came to us feeling really very vulnerable,” says Liesa. “Supported accommodation may be temporary but the connections that people make when they are with us are often very permanent, as is the case with Isabel. And it is just so heartening to be a part of that.”.

If you’d like to donate to Wesley Mission, please donate via our website or call 1800 021 821.


If you’d like to partner with our Community Housing Engagement Program or donate food or volunteer, please contact us on

*Names, photos and some details changed for privacy.

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