Teresa has found the artist within

Teresa has found the artist within

Teresa, who is 68, was on a cruise with her husband when a couple they met spoke glowingly of the Wesley School for Seniors program. Back on shore, with her career winding down and no kids left at home, Teresa googled the classes and felt excited by what she saw.

“I’m very much into active ageing and staying connected, and I thought when I finish work I might be a bit isolated,” she says. “So in September 2019 I started taking a few courses.”

So far Teresa has tried classes in drawing, painting with watercolours, square-dancing and guitar. She continued learning the guitar during lockdown on Zoom, keeping in touch with her classmates on WhatsApp. “It was really good building up friendships and staying connected with people,” she points out. “We encourage each other. Now we’re starting a group where we actually meet up in person and do some guitar practice.”


But for Teresa, the highlight has been the chance to explore her inner artist, after not drawing since high school. “Now I go out, I look at trees, the clouds, the sky, driving in the countryside, and I think, ‘How can I draw that?’ It’s so peaceful, it gives me enormous pleasure. Now is the time for me, and this is so enriching for my soul and my spirit.”

Teresa is so proud of her beautiful artwork. “Wesley School for Seniors has opened up a whole new world for me,” she says.

At Wesley School for Seniors, over-55s can learn new skills and socialise in a safe and supportive environment. Classes start 17 January 2022. Visit wesleymission.org.au now to find out more or register for a class.

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