Wesley Hospitals has closed

Wesley Hospitals has closed

Wesley Hospitals in Kogarah and Ashfield, including our day programs and consulting rooms, have now closed.

Since 1954, it’s been our privilege to provide psychiatric care to patients at Wesley Hospitals. The strength of our hospitals has always been delivering high-quality and compassionate mental health care to people most in need. We’re thankful for the compassionate and dedicated care our staff have given to people over the years.


While we’ll no longer be providing mental health hospital services, Wesley Mission remains committed to supporting Australians with their mental health through Wesley LifeForce and our 24/7 telephone crisis support line, Lifeline Sydney & Sutherland. Call Lifeline on 13 11 14 today if you need support.


If you need to contact Wesley Hospitals, email hospitals@wesleymission.org.au or call 02 9263 5555.

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